Texas Forever Bar and Grill Covid-19 precautions
Keefe Borden | July,
23, 2020 | Channelview, Tx
Touchless temperature checking at Texas Forever Bar and Grill to prevent the spread of Covid-19 while still offering safe dine-in experience.
CHANNELVIEW –The safety and security of our guests and employees is of upmost importance to Texas Forever.
We encourage takeout and delivery for your own safety, but we also invite you to come in and enjoy a meal while taking essential safety precautions. We ask that you wear a mask while inside the restaurant.
Our staff has always made cleanliness a priority, however we are encouraging both waiters and cooks to take extra precautions to keep everyone safe. We are offering take out and delivery via delivery apps. Dining in is also an option, however with limited capacity. We trust that, with basic precautions, we will get through this together.
The ongoing crisis is fluid and requires us to adjust to changing circumstances over time. We hope to remain agile and assess the risk as new information comes available. We are grateful for our guests who have continued to dine with us and who have ordered out. We thank our employees who have worked diligently to keep everyone safe under trying circumstances.
Some of the changes we have implemented to keep our staff and guests safe include:
- Our dining rooms are operating at a reduced capacity. We have placed reserve signs on designated seats to ensure our guests can maintain social distance.
- Our staff is asked to clean and disinfect surfaces every 15 – 20 minutes.
- All employees are required to wear a mask and wear gloves. They are asked to wash hands and use alcohol-based sanitizer regularly. In addition, employees are required to change gloves after each interaction with a customer.
- Whenever possible, employees attempt to serve guests from the recommended 6-foot distance.
- We have a team of three people who will do a deep cleaning and sanitizing at each restaurant twice weekly.
- Incoming guests will have a facial temperature taken. Anyone who shows a high temperature will be asked to leave. Anyone in their party will also be asked to leave.
- Place mats on the floor are used to encourage social distancing